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Friday, April 23, 2010

Forever love chapter 10

About a while. I wake up. I find out. My body all get tight up with rope. I try to struggle. Suddenly. Three person come in. I recognize two people. One is Saki and other one is Sayaka.

I say: You traitor.

Saki say: This gang give us more money.

*Sayaka punched me on the face*

Aiko ask: Why did you do this?

Sayaka answer: I just hate him.

*Saki slap on my face*

Aiko say: Stop and cut off the rope time

*Saki cut off the rope*

Aiko ask: Why you do that?

*I didn't answer*

Aiko say: Fine.

I ask: Can I just go?

*Aiko slap me*

Aiko say: No. you get caught. you are staying.

I come out to the dinner table with Aiko. Her maid cook some food for us. I start to eat it. After the breakfast. Aiko grab my hand and go to the bathroom and take a bath with her. After the bath. i go to sleep.

To Be conutiune

Story: Setsuna
Made up story

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